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Graduation Requirements

   Graduation Requirements

Below are the current graduation requirements for Georgia public high school students who enter ninth grade for the first time in the 2008-2009 and subsequent school years. Your selection of courses is important, so be sure to get guidance from adults (parents, counselor, advisor, instructors).

Areas of Study: Credits:
English/Language Arts 4
Math 4
*Science 4
Social Studies 3
**Career, Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE), and/or Modern Language/Latin, and/or Fine Arts 3
Health & Physical Education 1
Electives (4 Units) 4

* The 4th science unit may be used to meet both the science and elective requirement.

** Students must complete three units in a pathway to complete a CTAE pathway and take an end of pathway assessment. Students interested in attending a University System of Georgia college/university must complete two years of the same foreign language to be admissible as a freshman.